19 Cats Who Enjoy Kicking Doggie Siblings Out of Their Beds

When cats and dogs grow up together they can be a lot like siblings. They can be loving towards one another or they can bicker. One contentious area? Dog beds. Many cats just seem to love lounging in the beds of their canine friends and will take advantage of a dog’s sweet nature. The dogs are usually too polite (or to scared) to ask for their beds back.

Need proof and a laugh? Check out these photos of cats who kicked the dogs out of their beds and don’t plan on giving them back. The one compromise? When a cat uses a dog as a bed.

Dog bed? Think again. Cat bed.

“My friend found this kitten in her barn, this is how her 9 year old dog treats it.”

“This dog makes a fine cat bed.”

“When the mean kitty steals your bed.”

Other times, the dog tries to make do with the cat bed.

There’s a kitten in my bed.

Oh well.

And sometimes…they share.

Don’t ever leave me.


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