Adorable Lion Cub Sneaks Up On Dog and Gives Him a Big Fright

Kids love to sneak up and scare each other, which is exactly what this lion cub did when she snuck up on an unsuspecting dog and gave him a big fright! The animals all live together at Cornellskop Animal Training Farm in South Africa. Share this funny video with your friends!

Children enjoy sneaking up on their friends and family and give them a scare. It’s also an activity kittens and cats enjoy, which is exactly what this lion cub was caught doing when she sneaks up on an unsuspecting dog.

The lion cub spots her two doggie companions lounging around and decides to creep along a wall to give them a surprise. One dog sees what she’s up to and walks away, but the other one…well, just watch what happens!

The animals in this video all live at Cornellskop Animal Training Farm in South Africa, which trains animals for work in film and television. “All animals on the farm are loved and cared for and completely socialised to one another and play together often – as can be seen in the clip,” the videographer says on YouTube, adding, “In addition Cornellskop Animal Training Farm works very closely with conservation authorities as well as welfare associations to care for rescued and unwanted animals.”

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